In October 2024, parishioner Bob Riesinger suggested we try a creative idea he witnessed at his previous church, Pax Christi, in Eden Prairie, MN, where parishioners filled a red bag with non-perishable food items. The red bag reminded people of each upcoming food collection and increased donations significantly, thus helping the community. Bob presented the idea to the Christian Service Committee, and the group supported Bob in this endeavor. Bob’s investigative skills resulted in a durable tote bag embellished with our parish logo. Bob and his wife, Germaine, generously split the cost with the parish for 100 new totes. Each bag is an eye-catching red. The weekend before the first Sunday of the month, the commission will offer these red tote bags to parishioners to utilize for their grocery donations. Return the bag and place it in the food bin the following weekend. Want to give it a try next weekend?