We would love to have you actively involved at St. Pius X church volunteer opportunities – whether it’s for one-hour gathering or a parish commission. We hope the information found on the various pages of our parish website offers you ways you may answer your baptismal call to serve.

If you have questions about a particular ministry please get in touch with the contact listed on that page.

You may also contact Jessie Rohrer, Parish Life Director, for the parish and she will be happy to visit with you.

What can I do this month?

Come, let us worship!

All members of our community are called to participate in the worship life of Jesus Christ and the church – that includes you! Worship does not happen without involved disciples who Gather in a spirit of service to encounter Jesus.
Are you gifted with a welcoming presence? (Ministries of Hospitality, Greeter & Usher)
Do you love the Word of God? (Lector)
Are you devoted to the celebration of Holy Communion? (Eucharistic Minister)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Do you prefer to work behind the scenes and take a meticulous approach to your tasks? (Sacristan or Linens)

You are being called by the Holy Spirit of God to serve Jesus and our family of faith in the liturgy! Learn more and sign up for ministry on the Liturgical Ministers Page Here:

Learn more about Liturgical Ministry & Volunteer

The St. Pius X Christian Service (CS) Commission is responding to a call from St. Vincent dePaul to provide 250 sack lunches for friends each month. Why would we be excited about this? In Catholic Social Teaching, feeding the hungry is the number one corporal Work of Mercy! Here are some options for everyone to participate in our Sack Lunch Ministry. Through a link on Flocknote (see below), families or individuals can make 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the comfort of their homes or gather in the Fellowship Hall of the church two times per month and create sandwiches with others. There are options for families to load lunch bags each month (all items except the sandwich) or purchase and donate lunch ingredients. There is also an option for delivering the lunches to St. Vincent de Paul on Wednesdays. Check the link for our Flocknote signup and start spreading the love around!

The following is for our November 2024 Ministry, for 250 sack lunches (FYI, we need extra water bottles if you are willing. Our friends who live on the streets often have no other source of water):

November 2024 Sack Lunch Ministry Sign-up

Qualifications & special skills
  1. Playful and fun loving.
  2. Completion of Catholic Mutual Group (CMG) Connect certification course required by Diocese.
  3. Must be 18 years or older.
  1. Offer and provide for the emotional, physical and social needs of young children during the time they are in the church nursery.
  2. Interact with the children and encourage their involvement in activities.
  3. Prepare and maintain a warm, safe environment that is orderly, clean and appealing.
  4. Establish and maintain good communication and be sensitive and responsive to parents.
  5. Read, understand and follow nursery policies.
  6. Be on site and on time in the nursery for the entire scheduled time.

If this is something you are interested in and would like to see the nursery ministry continue, please call the Parish Office at (406) 656-2522 or email children@stpiusxblgs.org.

We are also needing junior high and high school age kids to help assist the nursery attendant. This is a great opportunity to gain experience with kids and earn volunteer hours for school! Drop by and ask the attendant if he/she is needing help.

We are seeking nurturing, caring, patient caregivers who enjoy working with young children. Ability to work well with children. Organizational skills helpful.

Find more information on our Adult Ministries page.

Sign up form

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Contact St. Vincent de Paul 252-1855 to see how you may help or check their website or Facebook page.